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5% of All our Sales Go To:

The National Park Service:

The United States National Park Service has an enormous job. They are responsible for 400 national parks and preserving 85 million acres of land. They preserve native US species, US history, and educate the public about ecosystems and Climate Change.

5% of USA National Park NFT  Sales Go To:

COPE: Community Outreach and Patient Empowerment 

When talking about giving back to our National Parks, we need to also talk about giving back to indigenous communities and respecting the original owners of these lands. I wanted to support an indigenous-run nonprofit that is doing awesome work. I chose COPE which is run through the Navajo Nation and seeks to eliminate healthcare disparities in indigenous communities. Whether or not you purchase one of our NFTs, please consider donating to COPE by clicking on the link above or image to the right.

5% of USA National Memorial NFT  Sales Go To:

 NCHV: National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

When creating so many pieces of art about USA memorials, it did not seem right to not give back to the individuals who fought for this awesome country. Veteran homelessness in the United States is all too prevalent. NCHV is the only organization solely dedicated to ending veteran homelessness and supporting those in need. Whether or not you purchase an NFT with us, please consider donating to NCHV by clicking on the link above or picture to the right.

5% of USA National Lakeshore NFT  Sales Go To:

Michigan Great Lakes Protection Fund

As someone who grew up in Michigan, the National Lakeshore project brought me so much joy. I have great memories at these locations with my family as a child. At the same time, I recognize how fragile the Great Lakes are as an ecosystem and essential freshwater source. Whether or not you purchase an NFT with us, please consider donating to the Michigan Great Lakes Protection Fund by clicking the link above or picture to the right.

NFTs that Keep America Beautiful

Our Impact

5% of USA National Scenic Trail NFT  Sales Go To:


As a former teacher whose classroom benefitted from DonorsChoose projects, I wanted to give back to other teachers in title-1 classrooms. It is no mystery that schools are underfunded, and teachers spend their own money to give their students the best education possible. DonorsChoose allows teachers to write about and share projects they would like funded for their classrooms. So many of the trails cut through areas of the country that are among the poorest funded. Whether or not you purchase an NFT with us, please consider donating to DonorsChoose by clicking the link above or picture to the right.

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